TerraMow User Agreement


Thank you for choosing TerraMow!

In order to use TerraMow software (hereinafter referred to as “the software”, “the app”) and services, you should read and abide by the TerraMow User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) to use TerraMow App and the relevant services. Please be sure to read carefully and fully understand the content of the various terms, especially the terms of exemption and limitation of liability, as well as the separate agreement for opening or using a service, and whether to accept the terms. Restrictions and disclaimers may be underlined to remind users.

Unless you have read and accept all terms specified in this agreement, you may not download, install or use the software and related services. Any behavior including downloading, installing, using, obtaining a TerraMow account, logging in, etc. shall be deemed that you have read and agreed to the terms of the Agreement.

If you are under 18 years of age, please read the Agreement and other agreements with a legal guardian, and pay special attention to the terms of use for minors.

I. Scope of the agreement

1.1 Parties to the Agreement

This agreement is an agreement between you and Muxin on downloading, installing, using and copying the software and using Muxin related services.

1.2 Agreements’ Relationship and Conflicting Terms

This Agreement also includes relevant agreements, business rules and other content of the Services that Muxin may continue to publish. Once officially released, it constitutes an integral part of this Agreement, with which you shall also comply.

II. Services

2.1 Service Content

The service content refer to the cross-platform mower management tool (hereinafter referred to as “TerraMow”) provided by Muxin to the users.

2.2 Service Forms

2.2.1 You need to download the TerraMow application to use the Services. Muxin will grant you a non-transferable and non-exclusive license for the Software. You may only use the Software and Services for the purpose of accessing to or using the Services.

2.2.2 Muxin may provide multiple versions of the TerraMow application, including but not limited to iOS and Android. Users are required to select the software version matching the installed terminal device.

2.3 Scope of Authorized Services

2.3.1 Muxin grants you a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the Software. You may install, use, display and run the Software for non-commercial purposes on a single terminal device.

2.3.2 You may make a copy of the Software for the purpose of personal use of the Software and Services, and shall only use the copy as a backup. The copy must contain all the copyright information from the original Software.

2.3.3 All other rights not expressly authorized by this article and other terms of this Agreement are still reserved by Muxin. You must obtain Muxin’s written permission when exercising these rights. Muxin’s failure to exercise any of the foregoing rights does not constitute a waiver of such rights.

III. Acquisition of the Software

3.1 You can obtain the Software directly from Muxin’s website or a third party authorized by Muxin.

3.2 If you obtain the Software or any installation program with the same name as the Software from any third party without authorization by Muxin, Muxin cannot guarantee that the Software can function normally and therefore takes no responsibility for any losses or consequences.

IV. Installation and Uninstallation of the Software

4.1 Muxin may develop different versions of the Software for different devices. You should download the appropriate version for installation according to the actual situation.

4.2 After downloading the application, you need to follow the steps suggested by the program to for proper installation.

4.3 If you no longer need to use the Software, or need to update to the latest version, you can uninstall the Software. If you are willing to help Muxin improve the product and services, please inform the reasons for uninstallation.

V. Software Update

5.1 In order to improve the user experience and service content, Muxin will constantly strive to develop new services and provide you with software updates from time to time (these updates may take the form of software replacement, modification, function enhancement, version upgrade, etc.).

5.2 In order to ensure the security and consistency of functionality of the Software and Services, Muxin reserves the right to update the Software, or change or restrict partial functionality of the Software without notice.

5.3 After the new version of the Software is released, older versions of the Software may not be available. Muxin does not guarantee that the old versions and corresponding customer services of the Software continue to be available. Please check and download the latest version.

VI. Protection of User’s Personal Information

6.1 It is a fundamental principle of Muxin to protect users personal information. Muxin will take reasonable measures to protect such information. Except for the circumstances prescribed by laws and regulations, Muxin will not disclose users’ personal information to any third party without permission. Muxin adopts professionally encrypted storage and transmission methods for relevant information, to ensure the security of users’ personal information.

6.2 You need to provide some necessary information when registering an account or using the Services. For example, you need to fill in your email address so that TerraMow can provide you with account registration service or user identification. If the information you provide is incomplete, you will not be able to use the Services or you may be restricted during usage.

6.3 In general, you may browse and modify your information at any time. However, you may not be able to modify the initial registration information and other verification information provided at the time of registration for the purpose of security and identification (such as the TerraMow account appeal service).

6.4 Muxin will apply a variety of security technologies and procedures to establish a sound management system to protect your personal information and avoid any unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

6.5 Muxin will not disclose your personal information to any company, organization or individual without your consent, except as provided by laws and regulations.

6.6 Muxin attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor under 18 years of age, you need to obtain a written consent from your parents or legal guardians before using TerraMow’s services.

6.7 You may read TerraMow Privacy Policy to learn more about what information TerraMow collects or retains, how it is used, rights of you and how TerraMow protect your personal information and privacy.

VII. Main Rights and Obligations

7.1 Account Usage Standards

7.1.1 Prior to using the Services, you need to register a TerraMow account via your email address.

Muxin is entitled to change the form of account registration and the linking method according to users’ needs or product needs.

7.1.2 Ownership of all TerraMow accounts belong to Muxin. After completing the application for registration, the user only obtains the right to use the TerraMow account, and the usage right only belongs to the initial registrant. Meanwhile, the initial registrant shall not donate, borrow, rent, transfer or sell the TerraMow account, or otherwise permit the non-initial applicant to use the TerraMow account. Non-initial registrants shall not use TerraMow account by donation, inheritance, lease, assignment or any other means.

7.1.3 The user is responsible for safekeeping the registration account information and password. The user shall assume legal responsibility for the registered account and password. The user agrees not to disclose the account and password information to others under any circumstance. When you suspect that someone else is using your account, you should immediately notify Muxin.

7.1.4 When you use a service or feature of the software, you may be required to create or register a new account (“feature account”) based on your TerraMow account by following the instructions provided. Unless otherwise specified or authorized by Muxin in writing, such account shall be owned by Muxin, and the user who applies for, creates and registers the account (“initial registrant”) only has the right to use the account. The initial registrant shall not give, borrow, lease, transfer, or sell such accounts to any other users or otherwise license such account for use by any other users. Any user other than the initial registrant shall not receive the account as a gift or transferred property, or purchase, inherit, lease, or any other means to use the account.

7.1.5 In the event of a user not logging in to a TerraMow account or feature account for a prolonged period after registration or creation of such an account, Muxin has the right to recall the account to avoid waste of resources, and the user shall be solely responsible for all losses arising from such situations.

7.2 Notes

7.2.1 You understand and agree that the Software will use the processor, bandwidth and other resources of your device in order to provide you with effective services. The costs of data traffic may incur during use of the Software, and the user shall acquire relevant fee information from the service provider and bear relevant costs.

7.2.2 When you use a particular service of this Software, the service may be governed by separate agreements and relative business rules etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Separate Agreement”). Please read and agree to relevant Separate Agreement before using the service. By using the specific services mentioned above, you are deemed to have accepted the relevant Separate Agreement.

7.2.3 You understand and agree that Muxin will make its reasonable commercial efforts to maintain your data stored in the Software and Services safe, but Muxin cannot guarantee that your data is absolutely safe, including but not limited to the following circumstances: Muxin is not responsible for deletion or failure of your storage of relevant data in the Software and Services. Muxin is entitled to decide at its discretion the longest period of data storage in the Software and Services for each user according to the actual situation, and allocate the maximum space in the server for data storage of the user and so on. If you stop using the Software and Services or the Services are terminated or canceled, Muxin can permanently delete your data from the server. When the Services are stopped, terminated or canceled, Muxin is not obligated to return any data to you.

7.2.4 The user shall be responsible for the risks that are beyond control of Muxin in the use of the Software and Services, including but not limited to: Risks such as loss or leakage of personal information due to irresistible factors. Any issues or damages arising from the failure of the user to choose the right software version matching the terminal device where the Software is installed. Risks including failure to login Muxin TerraMow, incomplete data synchronization and slow page opening speed caused by unstable wireless network signal, small wireless network bandwidth or other reasons. You understand and agree that the Service may be interrupted due to force majeure and other risk factors during the use of the Service. Force majeure refers to unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable objective events that have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, storm and plague, as well as social events such as war, unrest and government actions.

7.3 Third-Party Products and Services

7.3.1 When you use the products or services provided by a third party of this Software, you shall comply with the user agreement of the third party in addition to this Agreement. Muxin and the third party shall assume their respective responsibilities separately for any possible dispute between them within the scope prescribed by laws and or stipulated by the agreement.

7.3.2 When the user uses the Software or requires Muxin to provide any specific services, the Software may support the user’s access by invoking a third-party system or through a third party, and the results of use or access shall be provided by the third party. Muxin does not guarantee security, accuracy, effectiveness and other uncertain risks of the services and content provided by such third parties. Any dispute or damage caused therefrom is irrelevant to Muxin, Muxin therefore will not assume any responsibility.

7.3.3 You understand and agree that Muxin is entitled to use the Software for commercial purposes, including but not limited to development and use of partial services of the Software for promotion of any third party. Muxin promises to protect your personal information in strict accordance with the agreement during the promotion process. At the same time, you can also choose to block and refuse to receive relevant promotional information according to the system settings.

VIII. User’s Codes of Conduct

8.1 Software Usage Specifications

8.1.1 You shall not engage in any of the following acts in the course of using the Software except as permitted by law or by Muxin’s written permission: Delete the copyright information on the Software and its copies. Conduct reverse engineering, reverse assembly and reverse compiling on the Software, or any other attempts to discover the source code of the Software. Use, lease, lend, copy, modify, link, reproduce, compile, release, publish or establish a mirror site for the content that Muxin owns intellectual property rights. Copy, modify, add, delete and mount the data stored in any terminal memory by the Software or during the operation of the Software, the interactive data between the client and the server during operation of the Software, and the system data necessary for operation of the Software, or create any derivative works by using plug-ins, add-ons or third-party tools/services unauthorized by Muxin to access to the Software and related systems. Add, delete, change the functions or operating effects of the Software by modifying or forging the instructions and data, or operate or disseminate to the public the software and methods used for the purposes described above, regardless of whether such acts are for commercial purposes. Login or use Muxin Software and Services through any third-party software, plug-in, add-on or system that are not developed or authorized by Muxin, or produce, publish, disseminate these tools. Interfere with the Software and its components, modules and data on your own or by authorizing others or third-party software to do so. Other acts not expressly authorized by Muxin.

8.1.2 You understand and agree that Muxin is entitled to choose the objects to provide with the Services, determine functions and settings, decide objects and the scope to open any function and disclose any data interface and related data, based on comprehensive factors including user experience, operating security of TerraMow or related service platform, platform rules and healthy development. Muxin may suspend or terminate the Services to you if you’re suspected to be involved in the behaviors including but not limited to: violation of laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement. affecting the service experience of TerraMow. causing any potential safety hazard. copying the primary functions or functional components of TerraMow or other products of Muxin, or use other means to achieve the main effect of the above mentioned functions or functional components. Other behaviors which contradict the operating principles of TerraMow or its service platform, or other management requirements of Muxin.

8.2 Treatment for Breach of Contract

8.2.1 You understand and agree that Muxin is entitled to, based on reasonable judgement, penalize any act violating relevant laws and regulations or provisions of this Agreement, take appropriate legal action against any user in violation of laws and regulations, and preserve relevant information in accordance with related laws and regulations to report to relevant departments etc. The user shall bear all the resulting legal responsibilities.

8.2.2 You understand and agree that you shall be solely liable for any claims, requests or losses arising out of or in connection with your breach of the provisions of this Agreement or relevant terms of the Services. You shall also be liable for the compensation of any losses caused to Muxin.

IX. Statement on Intellectual Property Rights

9.1 Muxin is the intellectual property owner of the software. All copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights of the software, as well as all information content related to the software (including but not limited to words, pictures, audio, video, charts, interface design, layout framework, relevant data or electronic documents, etc.) are protected by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and corresponding international treaties, Muxin enjoys the above intellectual property rights, except the rights that relevant obligees should enjoy in accordance with the law.

9.2 You shall not, or permit any third party to, implement, use, or transfer any of the above intellectual property rights for any commercial or non-commercial purpose without prior written consent from Muxin or relevant rights holders.

9.3 All content uploaded and released during your use of the Software and Service will not transfer intellectual property rights, portrait rights and other rights due to uploading and publishing.

X. Responsibility of Terminal Security

10.1 You understand and agree that the Software, like most Internet software, may be affected by a variety of factors including but not limited to users’ reasons, network service quality and social environment, or may be interfered by various security issues, including but not limited to illegal use of user information by others to conduct harassment in real life, and that other software downloaded and installed and sites visited by the user may contain viruses, Trojans or other malicious programs, which may endanger the security of information and data in your terminal device and affect the normal use of the Software. Therefore, you should strengthen the awareness of information security and protection of personal information, and pay attention to password protection, to avoid losses.

10.2 You shall not produce, publish, use, or disseminate any malicious programs which steals TerraMow accounts and other personal information or property.

10.3 It is the joint responsibility of Muxin and you to maintain the security and normal use of the software. Muxin will reasonably and prudently take necessary technical measures to protect the information and data security of your terminal device in accordance with industry standards, but you acknowledge and agree that Muxin cannot provide a full guarantee in this regard.

XI. Third-Party Software or Technology

11.1 The Software may use third-party software or technology (including open source code and public domain code that may be used for the Software, as below), and such use has been legally authorized.

11.2 If any third-party software or technology is adopted for the Software, Muxin will display relevant agreements or other documents in accordance with relevant laws and regulations through annexes of this Agreement, a package in a specific folder of the installation package of the Software, or open source software pages and other forms, which may be expressed as “Software License Agreement”, “License Agreement”, “Open Source License” or other forms. The foregoing agreements, other documents and web pages presented through various forms are an integral part of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as this Agreement. You shall comply with all these requirements. If you fail to do so, such third party or competent state authority may file a lawsuit, impose fines or take other sanctions against you, and require Muxin to provide assistance. You shall be solely liable for relevant legal responsibilities.

11.3 Any disputes arising from the third party’s software or technology used in the Software shall be settled by the third party, and Muxin shall not bear any responsibility. Muxin does not provide customer service support for third-party software or technology. If you need support, please contact the third party.

XII. Miscellaneous

12.1 By using the Software, you shall be deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by this agreement. Muxin reserves the right to modify the terms of this agreement if necessary. You can refer to the relevant agreement terms in the latest version of the software. After the terms of this Agreement are changed, if you continue to use the software, you shall be deemed to have accepted the modified agreement. If you do not accept the modified agreement, you should stop using the software.

12.2 This Agreement is signed in Bao’an District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province of the People’s Republic of China.

12.3 The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Mainland of the People’s Republic of China (excluding conflict of laws).

12.4 In case of any disputes between you and Muxin, it shall first be resolved through negotiation. where the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or dispute to the people’s court with jurisdiction in the place where this agreement is signed.

12.5 The headings of all terms of this Agreement are only for convenience of reading and do not have any actual meaning. They shall not be taken as a basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this Agreement.

12.6 This Agreement may be drafted in different languages, including Chinese, English and others. In case of any inconsistency and discrepancy between the Chinese version and the versions of other languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.

12.7 Where any provision of this Agreement becomes invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in force and binding on both parties.



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